One-year-old girl starts to breathe again an hour after being pronounced dead

She thought her baby was dead for over an hour before a sudden miracle turned the fortunes in her favor.

Julia Thrash's 1-year-old daughter, Jayah, was taken to a hospital after having drowned in the swimming pool of their own home. After being pronounced dead for over an hour, the little girl's heart started to beat again in a miraculous manner.

According to Parenting Isn't Easy, Thrash's worst nightmare turned true when one afternoon she left her child alone in the living room for a moment to go to the bathroom.

When she returned, young Jayah was nowhere to be found. That was when Thrash noticed that the back door of the room was open.

In a state of "panic and anxiety," Thrash ran outside and discovered the heartrending reality before her eyes - her baby was floating lifeless in the swimming pool near the edge.

She brought Jayah out of the pool, administered CPR, and immediately called 911. It was estimated that Jayah had been in the pool for about five minutes before her mother pulled her out.

“It’s like your worst nightmare ever coming true, you know you hear about it all the time, and then it’s actually happening in your own house, in your own pool, with your own child,” the online source quoted Thrash as stating.

The rescue team arrived and brought Jayah to Banner Thunderbird Medical Center, where Thrash received the worst news a parent can get.

The medical team told her that there was nothing more they could do for her baby. Her little daughter was pronounced dead only an hour after Thrash pulled her out of the pool.

The family was shocked and broken. To add to their grief, police authorities claimed the death as being suspicious and even launched a murder investigation.

That was when Jayah made a miracle. She suddenly started breathing again. The nurses explained Thrash that when they arrived to retrieve Jayah's body, she had simply coughed and started breathing again.

She was then taken to Phoenix Children Hospital for further treatment. Fortunately, an MRI scan revealed that she had not suffered any brain damage. She was allowed to return home within a few weeks.
